RF Frequency Source
The function of the RF frequency source is to provide pulsed 200 MHz RF with frequency and amplitude control. In addition it provides a local oscillator signal to the Phase Detector module and in return receives a frequency error signal from the Phase detector. The block diagram of the frequency source is shown in Figure 1. The RF signal is generated by a Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) implemented by the Red Pitaya Stemlab 125-14 FPGA. The FPGA was programmed with the CANVAS tool that is a graphical system for implementing digital signal processing functions into the Stemlab 125-14 FPGA. The CANVAS circuit is shown in Figure 2.
The clock of the Stemlab 125-14 is 125MHz so a 200 MHz signal cannot be generated directly. Instead a 12.5 MHz signal is generated by the DDS and then this signal is multiplied up to 100 MHz with 8x phase lock loop withe the RFQ LLRF Timer Cube circuit. The signal is then frequency doubled to 200 MHz. The phase increment on the DDS is set by a 32 bit word so the final frequency resolution is less than 0.5 Hz out of 200MHz.
The tray code uses the Blinky-lite Canvas interface in which all settings are mapped to a GPIO memory address on the Red Pitaya. The tray code is shown in Figure 3.
The RF Frequency source is the main actuator for the Machine Permit system. When the Machine Permit system detects a fault, the tray code shown in Figure 4 resets the Direct Digtal Synthesizer which disables any RF output from the RF Frequency source.
Figure 1. RF Frequency Source Block Diagram

Figure 2. RF Frequency Source DSP Code

Figure 3. RF Frequency Source Tray Code

Figure 4. RF Frequency Source Machine Protection Code